Chatsworth - Peak District Walk
Friday 25th September 2015
Today's walk did not go to plan as the footpath to Swiss Lake was closed, but it did mean that the diversion took me into a part of Chatsworth I haven't visited before.
Start: Hell Bank Plantation (SK 2869 6806)
Route: Hell Bank Plantation - Rabbit Warren - Sowter Stone - Derwent Valley Way - Beeley - Beeley Plantation - Hell Bank Plantation
Distance: 6.25 miles Ascent: 255 metres Time Taken: 4 hours
Terrain: Clear paths
Weather: Warm in the sun, with a cold edge to the breeze.
Pub Visited: None Ale Drunk: None

Looking across the moor towards Hob Hurst's House, from the track to Rabbit Warren.

Harland Edge from Rabbit Warren.

Looking in the opposite direction across the Derwent Valley.

Heading across Rabbit Warren with views across the valley to Calton Pastures.

Ahead of me the view is of Longstone Edge.

I was surprised to find these cows sheltering under the trees next to the stile into Chatsworth Estate.

My plan to head to Swiss Lake was curtailed by works going on at the lakes, so I had to follow the diversion along this path.

It took me through Stand Wood.

It soon joined another track through the wood, which I hadn't walked before.

The sound of water caused me to divert off the track, where I came upon the Sowter Stone.

It feeds this delightful little fall and then continues downhill.

It is also positioned so as to give a fabulous view across the estate.

A view that kept on getting better as I followed the stepped path downhill.

The path brought me out next to the bottom of the folly known as the Aqueduct.

Leaving the woods and the rather full car park behind I am rewarded with one of my favourute views of Baslow Edge. A view that will look even better in a few weeks when the ferns turn brown.

My route will follow the banks of the Derwent.

One of the two bridges designed by James Paine.

Nice to see the front of the house completely free of scaffolding and sheets.

I had planned on visiting the Hunting Tower today but the diversion prevented it.

I had my lunch away from the crowds looking across at this weir.

There are picnic benches close to the second weir, which makes it far more popular with the crowds.

I don't remember the path across the field to Beeley being lined with trees the last time I was here.

Beeley Brook winds its way downhill as I climb up through Hell Bank Plantation.

Definite signs that autumn is approaching as I head back to the car.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023